Tuesday, July 31, 2012

First Post

Well, here we go! I never thought I would have a blog, but it's timely and everyone has one! Plus, if it drives some traffic to our shop, that is a big bonus. Let's see how it goes. First of all, I'm not sure what I will post about, but what I would LIKE to post about is family, our work, and the Lord's work in us and others. Hopefully I can put a few pics of what my hubby does out in the shop, or maybe a couple of chain maille tutorials. Gardening, flowers, travel....these are all things that come to mind for articles.

So to start this off, my daughter just had her second child, Noah Michael Lee Conley on July 21, 2012. This kid came out so fast it was pretty amazing! Mother, son, and big sister are doing just fine.

So, until next time, God bless you all!


  1. Sweet post! Can't wait to see what all you come up with! <3

  2. So far, so good! You have a lot of interesting things on your agenda. I'm signing up.


  3. I think i may end up being one of the last to do a blog! Congrats and i know you will make it all work!

  4. Looking Good! Let me know if I can help you with anything!

  5. Lovely first post:) I've signed up to follow you...sounds like you have some interesting topics to post about. You will do a wonderful job. I am still new at blogging and haven't been posting much lately...need to start working on it again! Congrats on the new addition to your family!
