Woo hoo! A new year (almost) and a new business plan (I think). Today I set up a new website, and I was really surprised that it was a similar setup like this website (Blogger). So that was pretty cool, and not too difficult either for a newbie to most of this. It is free for a year -- you can get your own domain name too. I have previously turned down the free for 30-60-90 days ones (ha ha, cheapo me) I have seen, but this was a great bargain!
So here it is.....ta dah!....www.cutterstone.net.
Now I don't know if you are interested, or if you can even redeem this because I got it in my email, but here is the link for the free website from Intuit -- www.gybo.com/quickbooks.
I just have to share with you my lovely granddaughter's senior pictures. Isn't she beautiful? Wish I could see she got her looks from me, but we're only related by marriage. :D

Wishing all of our readers a very happy and prosperous 2013! God bless each and every one of you and your families.